Scatter plot and Venn diagrams showing a small amount of differential
expression of GPCR genes (A), RK genes (B), and ion
channel genes (C) in culture between the Price and Gereau
laboratories. The number of genes consistently detected in RNA-sequencing assays
for each laboratory are shown in Venn diagrams separated by gene families in
(D). Expression levels of genes in all three families showed
consistent correlation between the two laboratories: GPCR genes :
Pearson’s R squared: 0.64, p < 0.01, RK genes :
Pearson’s R squared: 0.81, p < 0.01, ion channel
genes : Pearson’s R squared: 0.83, p < 0.01.
Genes like Alk and Insrr are plotted on the
diagonal, but marked as consistently detected only in Gereau laboratory samples.
This is because they have comparable mean TPMs in samples from both
laboratories, but are only consistently detected (in 5 or more samples out of 6)
in the Gereau laboratory.