Fig. 4.
a–e: Longitudinal cerebellar volume measurements. a. Representative coronal T2- w MR image of control mouse cerebellum delineated in red following ROI analysis in ImageJ. b. T2-w coronal MR image showing the paraflocculus and floculus lobules of the lateral cerebellum (red arrows) included in total cerebellar volume measurements. c. Sagittal T2-w MR image where red line indicates approximately where the coronal slice was acquired through the mouse brain. d. Representative T2-w images displaying the cerebellum from the same control and mdx mice between 6 and 18 months old. No gross anatomical differences were observed. e. Bar graph displaying relative cerebellar volume at all-time points investigated. We detected no changes in the relative cerebellar volume between control and mdx mice between 6 and 18 months old (p > 0.05). Relative cerebellar volume is calculated based on the total volume of the cerebellum expressed as a percentage of total brain volume. Data presented as mean ± SEM, n = 8 mice per genotype at each time point.