Panel 1.
Country and years of coverage | Data sources and study populations | Pregnancies included | Drug information available |
Australia, New South Wales (NSW) 2004–2012 | a) NSW Perinatal Data Collection (state-wide birth register) b) Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (national claims data) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in live birth or stillbirth from 20 weeks of gestation or birthweight of at least 400 grams Only pregnancies among women who were concessional beneficiaries (eligible for increased subsidy for prescription drugs) were included |
All dispensed, subsidised prescription drugs in outpatient care and private hospitals |
Denmark 2000–2012 |
a) Medical Birth Register b) National Prescription Registry (National health registers) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in live birth or stillbirth from 22 weeks of gestation | All dispensed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
Finland 2005–2014 | a) Medical Birth Register b) Register of Reimbursed Drug Purchases and Register of Medical Special Reimbursements (National health registers) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in live birth or stillbirth from 22 weeks of gestation | All dispensed, reimbursed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
Germany 2006–2015 | German Pharmacoepidemiological Research Database (GePaRD) (Healthcare claims database) Publicly insured | All pregnancies resulting in live birth or stillbirth (>500 gram) | All dispensed, reimbursed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
Hong Kong 2001–2015 | Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System (CDARS) | All pregnancies in public hospitals resulting in live birth or stillbirth are directly identified in the database. | All dispensed prescription drugs in public in-and outpatient care |
Iceland 2004–2017 | a) Medical Birth Register b) National Medicine Registry (National health registers) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in live birth or stillbirth from 22 weeks of gestation | All dispensed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
Norway 2005–2015 | a) Medical Birth Registry of Norway b) Norwegian Prescription Database (National health registers) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in a live birth or stillbirth from 12 weeks of gestation | All dispensed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
Sweden 2006–2015 | a) Medical Birth Register b) Prescribed Drug Register (National health registers) Publicly insured |
All pregnancies resulting in a live birth or stillbirth from 22 weeks of gestation | All dispensed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
UK 2001–2015 | The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database (Primary care database) Publicly insured | All pregnancies identified based on the recorded birth date, the last menstrual period and the estimated birth dates | All drugs prescribed in general practice |
US MarketScan, privately-insured 2012–2015 | IBM MarketScan® Commercial Claims and Encounters (MarketScan) database (Healthcare claims database) Privately insured | All pregnancies in women continuously enrolled in their health plan from before pregnancy until birth, identified with an ICD-9-based algorithm to identify live births and stillbirths | All dispensed, reimbursed prescription drugs in outpatient care |
US MAX, publicly-insured 2000–2013 | Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) database (Healthcare claims database) Publicly insured | All pregnancies in women continuously enrolled in a state Medicaid program from before pregnancy until birth, identified | All dispensed, reimbursed prescription drugs in outpatient care |