Fig. 3.
GGVV binds HRV14 3C only with two heavy-chain CDRs. (A) The protein–protein interfaces between HRV14 3C protease and GGVV. The three critical residues are shown as red stick models to illustrate the position of active site. HRV14 3C is shown as gray ribbons, while helix α1, 310 helix η2, and the β-turn between the β10 and β11 strands at the antibody–protein interface are highlighted in orange. CDRH3 and CDRH2 of GGVV that are involved in binding HRV14 3C are highlighted in green. (B and C) Close-up views of the interfaces between CDRH2 (GGVV) and HRV14 3C (B) and between CDRH3 (GGVV) and HRV14 3C (C). HRV14 3C is shown as an electrostatic surface, with helix α1, 310 helix η2, and the β-turn between the β10 and β11 strands as orange ribbons. Key residues that are involved in interactions at the antibody–protein interface are shown as stick models, labeled and color-coded as in A. Polar and electrostatic interactions are indicated with black dashed lines. The CDR residues of GGVV are labeled following Kabat numbering.