Table 2.
Effect of cartilage T-dECMs on chondrogenic differentiation.
dECM origin | Seeded cell type | Treatment | Results | Reference |
bovine AC | bovine chondrocyte | cultured in rigid dishes coated with silicone rubber or monotonically expanded on high extension silicone rubber dishes functionalized with dECM extract | dECM supported enhanced preservation of chondrocyte phenotype and redifferentiation potential | 224 |
bovine AC | human BMSC | treated with soluble dECM in 2D culture, pellet system or on aligned nanofibrous scaffolds; or seeded in dECM-encapsulated-GelMA hydrogels with or without exposure to TGF-β3 | both dECM alone or in combination with prochondrogenic factors promoted chondrogenic differentiation | 22 |
bovine AC | human BMSC | suspended in dECM hydrogels with or without methacrylate and cultured in chondrogenic medium for up to 42 days | functionalization of pepsin-soluble dECM hydrogels compromised chondroinductivity, did not enhance BMSC chondrogenesis | 88 |
bovine AC | rabbit BMSC | loaded onto dECMs to repair cartilage defects in a rabbit model | significantly improved the repair of cartilage defects after 12 weeks of implantation | 55 |
bovine EC | human BMSC | seeded on dECMs and cultured in chondrogenic medium | supported chondrogenic differentiation | 71 |
bovine meniscus | human BMSC | treated with urea-soluble extracts of dECMs from inner and outer meniscal regions in 2D culture; or culture in 3D dECM-GelMA hydrogels with chondrogenic induction | supported fibrochondrogenic differentiation in 2D culture; accelerated chondrogenic differentiation by the addition of soluble dECM fractions onto GelMA hydrogels | 72 |
equine AC | equine chondrocyte and BMSC | seeded onto physically prepared dECM with chondrogenic induction | supported chondrogenic differentiation; BMSCs significantly outperformed chondrocytes in producing cartilaginous matrix | 225 |
equine AC | equine BMSC | embedded in dECM particles and GelMA hydrogels with chondrogenic induction followed by subcutaneous implantation into a rat model | stimulated in vitro cartilage formation, but subsequently remodeled into endochondral bone formation in vivo | 226 |
equine AC | human BMSC | seeded onto dECMs and cultured in chondrogenic medium followed by subcutaneous implantation into immunocompromised rats | supported in vitro chondrogenesis, but formed in vivo ectopic endochondral bone | 227 |
human AC | canine chondrogenic BMSC | seeded onto dECMs and cultured in vitro for 3 days and then implanted subcutaneously in nude mice for 4 weeks | supported chondrogenic differentiation in vitro and formed cartilage-like tissues in vivo | 27 |
human AC | human SDSC | grown on dECM-collagen constructs with or without treatment of growth factors (TGF-β3 and BMP-2) | promoted chondrogenesis and synergistically enhanced by growth factor induction | 70 |
human AC | rabbit ADSC | seeded onto dECMs with chondrogenic induction followed by implantation to repair rabbit cartilage defects | supported in vitro cartilage formation and high-quality in vivo cartilage repair | 80 |
human donor trachea | human epithelial cell and BMSC-derived-chondrocytes from recipient | colonized on dECMs to replace recipient’s left main bronchus after 5-year follow-up | produced engineered airway without risk of rejection | 82 |
human donor trachea | human epithelial cell and BMSC derived chondrocyte from recipient | colonized on dECMs to replace recipient’s left main bronchus after 5-year follow-up | supported the re-population of the implanted airway matrix | 81 |
porcine NSC | human nasal chondrocyte | seeded on dECMs and cultured in chondrocyte induction medium | supported chondrogenic differentiation | 60 |
porcine NSC | human nasal septal chondrocyte | seeded on dECMs and cultured in chondrocyte induction medium | supported chondrocyte differentiation | 194 |
porcine AC | human ADSC | seeded on physically prepared dECM without exogenous growth factors | promoted chondrogenic differentiation without exogenous growth factors | 56 |
porcine AC | human ADSC | seeded on physically prepared dECM-PCL composite scaffolds in a culture medium | promoted ASC differentiation and chondrogenesis in vitro | 228 |
porcine AC | human ADSC | seeded on to the genipin-crosslinked physically prepared dECM in culture medium without exogenous growth factors | crosslinked scaffold using the 0.05% genipin solution supported chondrogenic differentiation in vitro culture | 220 |
porcine AC | human ADSC | Seeded on physically prepared dECM-PCL scaffolds with chondrogenic induction | enhanced chondrogenesis in vitro | 229 |
porcine AC | human and porcine chondrocyte | seeded onto physically prepared dECM in a culture medium | supported chondrogenesis in the absence of exogenous growth factors | 221 |
porcine AC | human ADSC and BMSC | seeded on physically prepared dECM in a chondrogenic medium consisting TGF-β3 and BMP-6 | supported chondrogenic differentiation | 230 |
porcine AC | human BMSC | seeded on physically prepared dECM with various crosslinking treatments followed in chondrogenic induction containing human TGF-β3 | supported significant chondrogenic differentiation | 231 |
porcine AC | human BMSC | seeded on dECM hemisphere scaffolds and cultured in chondrogenic medium | supported chondrogenic differentiation and prevented hypertrophy | 76 |
porcine AC | human FPSC | encapsulated into physically prepared dECM functionalized fibrin hydrogels followed by culture in chondrogenic medium or seeded on physically prepared dECM functionalized fibrin hydrogels followed by implantation in nude mice | supported robust chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo in the presence of TGF-β3 | 13 |
porcine AC | human IPFSC | seeded on physically prepared dECM with chondrogenic induction | promoted robust chondrogenesis in the presence of TGF-β3 | 58 |
porcine AC | human IPFSC | seeded onto physically prepared dECM with chondrogenic induction containing TGF-β3 | supported greater chondrogenesis within the scaffolds fabricated using 250 mg/mL cartilage slurry concentrations in vitro | 57 |
porcine AC | porcine IPFSC | seeded onto a TGF-β3 eluting physically prepared dECM followed by implantation into nude mice | supported cartilage-like tissue formation in vivo | 57 |
porcine AC | human IPFSC | seeded on dECMs and cultured chondrogenically under either static or rotational conditions for 10 days | supported chondrogenic differentiation | 74 |
porcine AC (immature and mature) | human IPFSC | seeded on dECMs and cultured in chondrogenic medium | supported cartilage formation in vitro | 222 |
porcine AC | rabbit BMSC | seeded onto dECM scaffolds and cultured in chondrogenic media for 7 weeks followed by implantation to treat rabbit tracheal defects | produced neocartilage and reconstructed partial tracheal defects | 232 |
porcine AC | rat BMSC | seeded on DCC-encapsulated or coated PLGA microspheres and cultured for 6 weeks | DCC-encapsulated scaffolds induced chondrogenesis better than TGF-β encapsulated and DCC-coated scaffolds | 233 |
porcine AC | rat BMSC | cultured on MeHA hydrogel incorporating with DVC and DCC microparticles followed with or without exposure to TGF-β3 over a 6-week culture period | DVC was superior to DCC in chondroinductivity and rheological performance of hydrogel precursors | 59 |
porcine AC | rat BMSC | encapsulated in MeSDCC hydrogels and cultured without growth factors for 6 weeks | supported chondrogenic differentiation | 234 |
porcine EC | porcine newborn chondrocyte | seeded on dECM sheets by stacking 20 layers and cultured for 4 weeks followed by either continuing 12-week culture or subcutaneous implantation into nude mice for 12 weeks | supported the formation of cartilage-like tissues both in vitro and in vivo | 77 |
porcine EC | porcine newborn BMSC | seeded on dECM sheets by stacking 20 layers and cultured with or without chondrogenic factors followed by implantation into nude mice for another 4 weeks | promoted chondrogenic differentiation, further enhanced by chondrogenic factors | 78 |
porcine hemi larynx | human BMSC | seeded onto dECMs and implanted into a sternomastoid muscle fascial pocket for 1 month, and then covered with a tissue-engineered oral mucosal sheet for relocating into a full-thickness defect in cricoid cartilage of immune-suppressed pig | remodeled in vivo cartilage by initiation of chondrogenesis | 83 |
porcine meniscus | human chondrocyte/ BMSC | chondrocytes seeded on dECMs and BMSCs seeded on dECMs with chondrogenic induction | promoted chondrogenic differentiation | 73 |
porcine NP | human ADSC | seeded on dECM hydrogels with or without chondrogenic induction | supported differentiation toward an NP-like cell phenotype, further enhanced by chondrogenic induction | 85 |
porcine NSC | rat nasal septum chondrocyte | seeded on dECMs and implanted to repair nasal septum defects in a rat model | supported cartilage defect repair | 79 |
porcine trachea | BM MNC and epithelial cell | seeded on dECMs and conditioned with growth and regenerative factors followed by implantation to replace recipients’ cervical trachea | supported in vivo cartilage regeneration of transplanted trachea | 235 |
rabbit trachea | rabbit ADSC | seeded onto dECMs to replace rabbit recipient tracheas | autologous cell treatment generated tracheas to repair tracheal injuries | 236 |
rabbit trachea | rabbit chondrocyte | seeded onto dECMs and cultured for 2 weeks followed by either maintaining for another 6 weeks or subcutaneously implanting into nude mice for 12 weeks | regenerated tubular cartilage | 84 |
Abbreviations:2D: two-dimensional; 3D: three-dimensional; AC: articular cartilage; ADSC: adipose derived stem cell; BM MNC: bone marrow (BM) mononuclear cell; BMP: bone morphogenetic protein; BMSC: bone marrow stromal cell; DCC: chemically decellularized cartilage particles; dECM: decellularized extracellular matrix; DVC: physically devitalized cartilage particles; EC: ear cartilage; ECM: extracellular matrix; GelMA: methacrylated gelatin; IPFSC: infrapatellar fat pad derived stem cell; MeHA: methacrylated hyaluronic acid; MeSDCC: methacrylated solubilized decellularized cartilage; NP: nucleus pulposus; NSC: nasal septal cartilage; PCL: poly(ε-caprolactone); SDSC: synovium derived stem cell; TGF: transforming growth factor.