Figure 2.
Estrogen increases ERα and H3K27Ac enrichment at super-enhancers. Shown is a heatmap of ERα ChIP-Seq and H3K27Ac ChIP-Seq signal centered on 2431 ERα peaks that are at super-enhancers (top) or 21,894 ERα peaks that are not at super-enhancers but are at typical enhancers or are single ERα-binding sites (bottom) in uterine chromatin samples from adult ovexed or 21-day-old female mice treated with saline V or with E2 for 1 h. For each set, enhancers are in the order of ERα signal in the adult E2 sample. Each panel shows ChIP-Seq signal at ±1 kb relative to the ERα peak midpoint, with signal depth-normalized to 20 million uniquely mapped nonduplicate reads/sample.