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. 2020 Jun 21;10(6):e037887. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037887

Table 4.

Frequency, preventability and severity of patient-reported incidents and concerns

Practice A Practice B Practice C Practice D Practice E Practice F Total
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
No of patient-reported incidents* 1 4 0 2 2 0 0 3 3 1 4 11 9
Average preventability rating (range)† Definitely preventable Probably not preventable Definitely preventable, Probably preventable Probably preventable, Don’t know Definitely preventable Probably preventable Definitely preventable Definitely preventable Definitely preventable Probably preventable
Average severity rating (range)‡ 10 (10) 7.3 (6–8) 6.5 (3–10) 8.5 (7–10) 6.7 (6–8) 6.3 (6–7) 9 (9) 7.6 (7–9) 7.4 (3–10) 7.4 (6–10)
No of patient-reported concerns§ 6 13 6 9 3 2 2 8 6 4 8 42 25
No of patient-reported concerns that were classified as safety incidents 3 7 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 17 12

T1=Time 1 (baseline).

T2=Time 2 (6 months postintervention period).

*Patient-reported incidents using Patient Incident Reporting Tool.

†Preventability scale consists of five options ‘definitely preventable’, ‘probably preventable’, ‘Probably not preventable’, ‘definitely not preventable’, and ‘don’t know’. Expressed as the median due to it being an ordinal variable.

‡Patient-Rated Severity Scale is 1–10 with 1=not serious at all and 10=extremely serious.

§Patient-reported concerns mentioned in ‘other comments’ section of the survey (total number of negative comments).

¶Patient-reported incidents mentioned in the ‘other comments’ section of the survey (PISA classification system was used to classify safety incidents.68