Fig 9. Metabolomics profiling of RBP6OE cells.
(A) Volcano plot showing the full metabolome (698 metabolites) analyzed at day 0 and day 2 upon RBP6 induction. Log2 fold change values of the average of mean peak area from quadruplicate experiments are plotted against the respective −log10 transformed P values. Few key metabolites are highlighted. (B) Volcano plot showing the full metabolome analyzed at day 2 (gray) and 8 (blue) upon RBP6 induction compared to day 0. Log2 fold change values of the average of mean peak area from quadruplicate experiments are plotted against the respective −log10 transformed P values. (D, E, F) Heatmaps showing log2 fold change of average of mean peak area of selected metabolites identified in induced samples compared to uninduced (day 0). The color key differs for each map and is always located below the heatmap. Heatmaps were generated with GraphPad prism 8.2.0. RBP6, RNA binding protein 6; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.