(A) Alignment of C-terminus of Rsc1 and Rsc2, showing conservation and position of swaps (red asterisks). (B) Co-IPs of Rsc3 and Rsc30 with additional Rsc1 and Rsc2 CT swaps. Whole cell extracts prepared from rsc1∆ rsc2∆ covered by TRP1-marked plasmid containing RSC1, RSC2, or CT swap were immunoprecipitated using anti-Myc (for CT2 of Rsc1), or anti-HA (for CT2 of Rsc2) bound to Dynabeads. Western blots were probed with antibodies against Sth1, Rsc3, Rsc30, and Rsc4. One of three biological replicates shown. (C) Co-IPs of RSC members with Rsc1 or Rsc2 containing deletions within the CT2 region. Whole cell extracts prepared from rsc1∆ rsc2∆ covered by TRP1-marked plasmid containing deletions were immunoprecipitated using anti-Myc (for CT2 of Rsc1), or anti-HA (for CT2 of Rsc2) bound Dynabeads. Western blots were probed with antibodies against Sth1, Rsc3, Rsc30, Rsc2, Rsc4, and Myc. One of three technical replicates shown. (D) Summary of Rsc1 and Rsc2 Co-IPs from deletions and swaps.