A) Recording and microstimulation sites projected on coronal slices. AC: anterior commissure. Positive numbers: anterior to AC. Negative numbers: posterior to AC. Scale bars: 5 mm. (
B) Summary of microstimulation sites, flattened along the Anterior-Posterior axis. Red: sites with significant rew × estim effects on choice, based on logistic fits. Same sites as colored dots with significant y-axis values in
Figure 3—figure supplement 1, B1 and B2. (
C) Same format as B. Red: sites with significant rew × estim effects on RT, based on linear fits. Same sites as colored dots with significant y-axis values in
Figure 3—figure supplement 1, B3-B6. (
D) microstimulation sites color-coded by the ranks of ∆drift (rew x estim) (top) and ∆bound (rew x estim) (bottom). Small vertical lines in the color bars indicate zero crossing.