Figure 2.
S. aureus sacculus architecture. a, 3D image of entire sacculus with external (white arrow) and internal (black arrow) surfaces, black dotted area see (ED4). 3D details: see Methods. Data scale (DS) = 205 nm. b, Sacculus external mature cell wall from within a. DS = 29 nm. c, Sacculus fragment with external surface facing upwards. White arrow: mesh, black arrow: rings. DS = 80 nm. d, Rings structure. Dotted line: location of profile (inset) showing the width of a likely single glycan. DS = 12 nm. e, Sacculus fragment internal surface upwards. White arrow: early septal growth. DS = 330 nm. f, Internal sacculus structure from within e. DS = 13 nm. g, Partially-formed septum, cytoplasmic facing surface upwards. DS = 389 nm. h, Inner surface of partially-formed septum (ED4). Inset: orientation diagram (-90 to 90) from MATLAB analysis (ED8). DS = 12 nm. i, Graph showing area of each pore vs the cumulative fraction of the total pore area of all pores. Red stars show 50% of cumulative area, i.e. half the total hole area consists of holes smaller/larger than this value. n = 601 pores, from 10 images (histograms in ED5). j, Histogram of strand width, measured at FWHM from image f, n = 45 strands. Red dotted line indicates the mean. k, Thickness in liquid and air before (left, n = 25 sacculi) and after (right, n = 10 sacculi) removal of wall teichoic acids, using a paired, two-tailed t test: p = 2.4·10-15 (left) and p = 8.3·10-6 (right), boxes represent 25-75% percentile with centre-line Median, black stars show Mean and bars minimum/maximum. l, Images of the same sacculus fragment in air (left) and liquid (right) with same DS = 50 nm. See ED4. For sample size and data reproducibility, see Methods.