Figure 3.
Exploration of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) collection for the expression of a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), B cell-activating factor (BAFF), and their receptors (A). The normalized p-value of the comparison of tumor vs. normal mRNA expression in all TCGA sample collection is presented, stratified by tissue of origin and disease pathology. Upregulation of mRNA expression in tumors is shown in red, while downregulation is shown in blue. Non-significant results are not shown. The Oncomine online resource (137) was used for the identification and calculation of significance. (B) Immunohistochemical detection of APRIL–BAFF and their receptors in human malignancies according to our work (relevant publications are shown in parentheses). Arrows denote the increased (red, up-pointing arrow), decreased (blue, down-pointing arrow), or no change (green, double-headed arrow) of proteins in immunohistochemically stained slides or tissue microarrays, with specific antibodies. NA, not detected. Please refer to the corresponding publications for further details.