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. 2020 Jun 16;11:1220. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01220


Intraindividual M. leprae genomic differences.

Samples Genotype Mutation and amino-acid change Genomic region NS
Other genomes with similar position mutated (variant,% reads, genotype)
% reads Aligned reads % reads Aligned reads
RB073-RN084 1A T1824441C;Gly56Asp ml1512 17% 24 - - -

RB053-RN022 1D G1823127A; Ser494Leu ml1512 35% 26 - - Ml10-98 (Ser494Ala, 95%, 4N)
1823613_1823614insC;Asp332fs ml1512 20% 21 - - ARLP-23 (Asp332fs, 80%, 2E)

RB074-RN095 1B- Bangladesh G1823098A; Leu504Phe ml1512 - - 92% 92 -
G660474C; Val252Leu metK 75% 12 100% 92 -
C2116695A; Pro100Thr ml1750 48% 21 - - SM1, (Pro100Ser, 100%, 4N/O)
A2116670G; Gln108Arg ml1750 20% 20 - - LRC-1A (Gln108His, 100%,1A) Md0536 (Gln108Arg 90%, 1D-Mada)
C2116490T; Arg168His ml1750 19% 16 - - Br14-3 (5 Arg168Cys, 1%,3I) Arg168His: Br2016-17 (22%, 3I); Comore-3 (36%; 1D-Mada); Ml9-81 (29%; 4N)

RB069-RN165 1B- Bangladesh C95231T; Leu34Phe glpQ 29% 76 - - -
C2121552T; Val226Ile ml1752 15% 94 - - -

Genomic differences between M. leprae genomes obtained from slit skin smears (SSS; RB) and nasal swabs (NS; RN) of the same MB patient. The table shows the percentage of mutated non-duplicated reads and the total number of non-duplicated reads aligned at the position of the mutation for each sample type. Several positions were partially or totally mutated in other M. leprae strains from different genotypes. dup, duplication; *, stop; ins, insertion; del, deletion.