Physiological characterization of strains with native
and watermarked (IMX1770) glycolytic genes during aerobic batch cultures
in bioreactors. (A) Left panel, biomass concentration (gram dry biomass
per liter), central panel, glucose concentration (mM); right panel,
ethanol concentration (mM). Three independent culture replicates are
represented for each strain. Shades of blue with square symbols, IMX1770,
shades of red with round symbols, IMX1771. (B) Specific enzyme activities
of the 12 reactions encoded by the 13 glycolytic enzymes (Pfk1 and
Pfk2 form an enzyme complex) of the strains with native (IMX1771,
red bars) and watermarked glycolysis (IMX1770, blue bars). Samples
were taken in midexponential phase. Bars represent the average and
standard deviation of measurements from three independent batch cultures
for each strain. Stars indicate enzyme activities that are significantly
different between the two strains (Student t test, p-value threshold 0.05, two-tailed test, homoscedastic).