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. 2019 Nov 15;54(1):61–66. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaz022

Table 2.

Results from GLMM analyses modeling daily associations between home opioid use and psychological factors in youth with SCD

Variable β^ SE z p OR 95% CI
Model 1—child daily diary variables
Intercept −3.779 0.778 −4.856 <.001
Day −0.048 0.064 −0.760 .447
Pain intensity 0.387 0.092 4.224 <.001 1.473 1.231–1.763
Pain catastrophizing 0.146 0.086 1.705 .088 1.157 0.978–1.369
Negative affect 0.193 0.096 2.001 .045 1.213 1.004–1.465
Model 2—caregiver daily diary variables
Intercept −3.863 0.766 −5.040 <.001
Day −0.048 0.057 −0.840 .401
Catastrophizing about child’s pain 0.120 0.095 2.003 .045 1.209 1.004–1.455
Caregiver negative affect 0.196 0.105 1.865 .062 1.216 0.990–1.493

Caregiver diary variables were run in separate models from child variables in order to reduce cross-informant bias. Analyses of the subset of youth (n = 11) who took an opioid at least 1 day during the diary period yielded similar results.

CI confidence interval; GLMM generalized linear mixed model; OR odds ratio; SCD sickle cell disease; SE standard error.