Fig 7. Regional association plots of genome-wide significant loci.
Regional plots of association (left y-axis) and recombination rates (right y-axis) for the chromosomes (a) 1p36.21, (b) 2q37.3, (c) 4q22.3, (d) 5p14.2–p14.1, (e) 2p24.2–q24.3, and (f) 1p14.1 loci after imputation. The lead SNP in each locus is labeled and marked in purple. All other SNPs are color coded according to the strength of LD with the top SNP (as measured by r2 in the European 1000 Genomes data). Imputed SNPs are plotted as circles and genotyped SNPs as squares. LD, linkage disequilibrium; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.