Clinical stages of dementia |
Common complications in dementia (e.g. infections, swallowing difficulties, and weight loss) |
Challenges with prognostication |
Identifying specific decisions that many families are asked to make during the course of dementia |
Roles and expectations of the surrogate decision maker |
Working with multiple surrogate decision makers |
Assisting surrogate decision makers to discuss and make difficult decisions |
Effective ways to introduce a goals of care conversation to surrogate decision makers |
Using the Pleasant Events Schedule to guide a goals of care conversation |
How to talk with surrogate decision makers about life-sustaining treatment therapies |
Discussing the risks and benefits of tube feeding and IV fluids in residents with dementia |
Roles of interdisciplinary team members in care planning around daily preferences |
Discussing the risks and benefits of hospitalization for residents with dementia |
Discussing antibiotic use for residents with dementia |
Dealing with conflict when surrogates and staff don’t agree about the goals of care |
Discussing the risks and benefits of CPR for residents with dementia |
Comfort Care: What does it mean and how do we deliver it to residents with dementia? |
Other (Specify) |