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. 2020 Jun 21;7(1):e000577. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2020-000577

Table 1.

Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics of the participants

Characteristics FCM
Age, years 69.2±8.4 68.0±7.0
Sex, n (%)
 Male 15 (62.5) 19 (79.2)
 Female 9 (37.5) 5 (20.8)
Body mass index, kg/m2 25.7±6.1 25.4±4.1
Smoking status, n (%)
 Former 18 (75.0) 16 (66.7)
 Current 6 (25.0) 7 (29.2)
 Never 0 1 (4.2)
Pack years 43 (31–67) 39 (28–67)a
Age at COPD onset, years 57.2±11.3a 58.2±5.3b
Age at smoking initiation, years 14.8±2.9 14.6±3.0a
Age at smoking cessation, years 59.0 ± 6.5c 57.5±8.7d
Exacerbations in previous year, n 1 (0–3)a 2 (1–3)b
Lung function*
 FEV1, L 1.16±0.50 1.35±0.38
 FEV1, % of predicted 48.0±17.6 49.8±16.9
 FEV1/FVC, % 44.8±9.0 40.4±10.2
GOLD grade, n (%)
 Mild (I)
 Moderate (II) 9 (37.5) 10 (41.7)
 Severe (III) 10 (41.7) 10 (41.7)
 Very severe (IV) 5 (20.8) 4 (16.7)
Long-acting inhaled therapy, n (%)
 No long-acting treatment 1 (4) 1 (4)
 LAMA only 4 (17) 2 (8)
 LABA/LAMA 1 (4) 0 (0)
 ICS/LABA 3 (13) 1 (4)
 LAMA/ICS/LABA 15 (63) 20 (83)
Iron parameters
 Iron, µmol/L 16.1 (11.0–19.3) 15.2 (13.2–19.5)
 Ferritin, µg/L 84.3 (65.1–110.6) 69.6 (38.5–151.9)
 Transferrin, g/L 2.53±0.32 2.53±0.31
 Transferrin saturation, % 28.0 (21.3–37.0) 26.5 (23.0–38.3)
 Soluble transferrin receptor, nmol/L 16.2±4.4 17.1±5.0
 Hepcidin, ng/mL 20.7 (12.7–29.1) 17.7 (8.0–25.1)
Haematological parameters†
 Haemoglobin, g/L 145.4±12.1 144.1±14.4
 Mean corpuscular volume, fL 90.6±5.3 92.3±3.6
 Mean cell haemoglobin, pg 29.9 (29.3–30.7) 30.4 (30.0–31.8)
Inflammatory parameters
 C reactive protein, mg/dL 2.4 (0.9–4.6) 3.7 (1.7–8.2)
 Interleukin-6, pg/mL‡ 4.48 (3.56–7.03) 5.87 (4.29–8.81)

Data are reported as mean±SD if normally distributed, or median (IQR) if non-normally distributed.

Missing data: an=23, bn=22, cn=18, dn=16.

*Pulmonary function testing was performed at the screening visit unless results were available within 1 year prior to the visit.

†For haematological parameters: n=23 in both groups due to error in sample processing.

‡Interleukin-6 results are only reported for values above the assay detection threshold of 3.13 pg/mL (n=11 in the FCM group, n=16 in the placebo group).

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FCM, ferric carboxymaltose; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LABA, long-acting beta agonist; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist.