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. 2020 Jun 7;98(6):skaa187. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa187

Table 3.

Quartiles for sow and piglet characteristics associated with stillborn rate, experiment 1

Litter weight1, kg <18.1 18.1 to 21.2 21.3 to 23.9 >24 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 4.9c 6.0bc 7.1ab 8.6a 0.55 <0.001
Mean pig birth weight1, g <1,300 1,300 to 1,420 1,430 to 1,570 >1,580 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 8.8a 6.7ab 5.7b 5.9b 0.53 0.011
Farrowing duration1, min <162 162 to 224 225 to 307 >308 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 4.5c 5.9bc 6.8b 9.3a 0.60 <0.001
Sow BW day 1131, kg <236 236 to 266 267 to 292 >292 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 5.7b 5.9b 7.2ab 8.4a 0.64 0.036
Total born2 <13 13 to 14 15 to 16 >16 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 4.7c 5.7bc 7.1b 10.5a 0.51 <0.001
Birth order ranking2 <25 25 to 50 50 to 75 >75 SEM P-value
Stillborn, % 1.6d 3.2c 6.4b 18.7a 0.50 <0.001

1A total of 473 sows were categorized into quartiles within each response variable, with each quartile representing ~25% of sows in the study population.

2A total of 6,939 piglets (6,458 live-born and 481 stillborn) were categorized into quartiles within each response variable, with each quartile representing ~25% of sows or piglets in the study population.

a–dMeans within a row not sharing a common superscript differ, P < 0.05.