(A) DNA-binding samples in Fig. 2B were subdivided into 10 fractions (Frs.) by DNA AvIn: Fr. 1 (0-0.003), Fr. 2 (0.003-0.006), Fr. 3 (0.006-0.012), Fr. 4 (0.012-0.024), Fr. 5 (0.024-0.048), Fr. 6 (0.048-0.096), Fr. 7 (0.096-0.19), Fr. 8 (0.19-0.38), Fr. 9 (0.38-0.77), and Fr. 10 (>0.77). Histograms represent percentage of the samples in indicated fractions among total samples for each B-cell subset. Density curves were generated based on the histograms, and then subdivided into 4 groups by AvIn (I ≤ II ≤ III ≤ IV; separated by vertical dotted lines). Numbers (Italicized) underneath the group numbers represent proportion of the indicated groups (% total). (B) Frequency of higher avidity, DNA-binding samples (Frs. 6-10) among all DNA-binding samples are compared among pre-tolerance (small pre-B, ●; n = 4 mice), tolerized (immature/T1,∎, n = 3; plus MF, ◆, n = 4), and tolerizing compartments (T3, ▾, n = 3; plus CD93+IgM−/loIgDhi, ⬣, n = 2; plus CD93−IgM−/loIgDhi, ▴, n = 3). *, P < 0.05 determined by Kruskal-Wallis test.