Fig. 3. Loss of Piezo2 in proprioceptive neurons results in spine malalignment.
a In vivo CT-scanned skeletal images of representative control and Pvalb-Cre; Piezo2f/f mice at P60, showing scoliosis (coronal plane) and kyphosis (sagittal plane) in the mutant compared to the control. b Graphs summarizing the Cobb angle values for all control (left, n = 8) and Pvalb-Cre; Piezo2f/f (n = 17) mice. Two graphs at the bottom show the dynamics of Cobb angle for each measured mouse between P40 and P90; significance of Mann–Whitney tests- or F-test is marked over the graphs by “mean(*)” or “var(*)”, respectively. P-value for Pvalb-Cre; Piezo2f/f kyphosis P40 mw-0.17 f-infinity, P60 mw-0.64 f-0.0006, P90 mw-0.02 f-0.0003), P-value for Pvalb-Cre; Piezo2f/f scoliosis P40 mw-0.008 f-0.10, P60 mw-0.01 f-0.03, P90 mw-0.72 f-0.01). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Scale bars: 2 mm in (a, top left), 2.1 mm in (a, top right), 2.5 mm in (a, bottom right and left).