Figure 4.
Representative T2-weighted spinal cord images from individuals. (A) Patient with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (30-year-old woman) and MS-related myelitis and spinal cord imaging at (A1) 1 months, (A2) 2 months, (A3) 24 months, and (A4) 72 months after attack. Short extent (<3 segments) spinal cord lesion (red arrow) at C3 with typical morphology of MS-related myelitis. (B) Patient with AQP4-antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (36-year-old woman) and NMOSD-related LETM and spinal cord imaging at (B1) 2 months, (B2) 5 months, (B3) 12 months, and (B4) 60 months after attack. Spinal cord lesion (red arrows) with longitudinal morphology (C2-Th1; >3 segments) and subsequent atrophy (red arrow-heads) typical of NMOSD-related LETM. (C) Patient with MOG antibody associated disease (41-year-old woman) and MOGAD-related LETM and spinal cord imaging at (C1) 7 months, (C2) 8 months, (C3) 24 months, and (C4) 48 months after attack. Initial LETM (C3-C7; red arrows) with remarkable increase in length after relapse at month 8 (C2) (yellow arrows) and subsequent atrophy (red arrow-heads). RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; AQP4-ab+, AQP4-antibody positive; NMOSD, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; LETM, longitudinally-extensive transverse myelitis; MOGAD, myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein associated disease.