Table A1.
Country | Mu | Alpha1 | Alpha2 | K | Acf1 | Acf2 | |
1 | USA | 0.1190 | NA | NA | NA | −0.5812 | 0.1025 |
2 | ESP | 0.0551 | −0.6357 | −0.3070 | 2.879772 | −0.4078 | −0.0964 |
3 | ITA | 0.0197 | −0.2187 | NA | NA | −0.3080 | −0.1204 |
4 | GBR | 0.0994 | −0.2747 | −0.3170 | 3.457548 | −0.4656 | −0.1669 |
5 | DEU | −0.0483 | NA | NA | NA | −0.7526 | 0.4425 |
6 | FRA | 0.0591 | −0.5001 | NA | NA | −0.5180 | 0.0404 |
7 | TUR | 0.1290 | 0.2093 | NA | NA | −0.4603 | 0.1770 |
8 | RUS | 0.1454 | −0.6229 | −0.3060 | 2.897091 | −0.2381 | −0.1603 |
9 | IRN | 0.0153 | −0.7193 | −0.3499 | 2.824746 | −0.3826 | −0.2127 |
10 | BRA | 0.1456 | −0.5581 | NA | NA | −0.7432 | 0.4734 |
11 | CAN | 0.0951 | −0.3906 | NA | NA | −0.4648 | −0.0175 |
12 | BEL | 0.0951 | NA | NA | NA | −0.3717 | −0.1870 |
13 | NLD | 0.0705 | NA | NA | NA | −0.1379 | 0.0532 |
14 | PER | 0.1315 | −0.7798 | −0.3740 | 2.777552 | −0.4865 | −0.0313 |
15 | IND | 0.1246 | −0.7751 | −0.1902 | 2.357376 | −0.4758 | −0.1840 |
16 | CHE | 0.0532 | −0.6605 | −0.1818 | 2.557440 | −0.5581 | 0.1938 |
17 | PRT | 0.1035 | −0.4378 | NA | NA | −0.2475 | −0.1414 |
18 | ECU | 0.0618 | −0.3215 | −0.3590 | 3.410295 | −0.6846 | 0.3053 |
19 | SAU | 0.1182 | −0.7888 | −0.5028 | 2.908032 | −0.5923 | 0.0215 |
20 | SWE | 0.0980 | −0.2257 | NA | NA | −0.3906 | 0.0849 |
21 | IRL | 0.0965 | −0.3648 | NA | NA | −0.4258 | 0.0670 |
22 | MEX | 0.1077 | −0.3284 | −0.1960 | 3.220894 | −0.4257 | −0.0989 |
23 | PAK | 0.1142 | −0.6143 | −0.3125 | 2.919015 | −0.5396 | 0.1344 |
24 | SGP | 0.0764 | −0.6688 | −0.3331 | 2.870741 | −0.4410 | 0.0195 |
25 | CHL | 0.1154 | −0.4258 | NA | NA | −0.5679 | 0.1749 |
26 | ISR | 0.0548 | −0.8392 | −0.2685 | 2.498557 | −0.4177 | 0.1557 |
27 | AUT | 0.0481 | −0.2929 | −0.2300 | 3.340180 | −0.5234 | 0.3204 |
28 | JPN | 0.0409 | −0.3556 | −0.3084 | 3.312745 | −0.6871 | 0.3177 |
29 | BLR | 0.1105 | −0.5120 | −0.3774 | 3.140573 | −0.2509 | −0.0071 |
30 | QAT | 0.0925 | −0.8442 | −0.3308 | 2.623628 | −0.2274 | 0.2722 |
31 | POL | 0.0897 | −0.4912 | NA | NA | −0.7159 | 0.4200 |
32 | ARE | 0.1035 | −0.9655 | −0.4536 | 2.651255 | −0.4971 | 0.0442 |
33 | ROU | 0.0913 | −0.4175 | NA | NA | −0.2366 | −0.2829 |
34 | IDN | 0.0779 | −0.7072 | −0.3386 | 2.825275 | −0.4945 | −0.1337 |
35 | UKR | 0.0000 | −0.5586 | −0.3737 | 3.071974 | −0.3739 | 0.0234 |
36 | DNK | 0.0709 | −0.1745 | 0.2325 | NaN | −0.5398 | −0.0478 |
37 | SRB | 0.0927 | −0.5346 | −0.3479 | 3.078214 | −0.5001 | 0.1388 |
38 | PHL | 0.0922 | −0.8493 | −0.3343 | 2.622693 | −0.0336 | −0.0254 |
39 | NOR | 0.0357 | −0.7009 | −0.4292 | 2.942658 | −0.6548 | 0.2291 |
40 | CZE | 0.0534 | −0.2509 | NA | NA | −0.5757 | 0.3656 |
41 | BGD | 0.1039 | −0.6032 | −0.2978 | 2.913854 | −0.6575 | 0.1833 |
42 | KOR | −0.0693 | −0.7663 | −0.3236 | 2.720150 | −0.5332 | 0.0641 |
43 | DOM | 0.0833 | −0.6311 | −0.2695 | 2.825041 | −0.5545 | 0.0766 |
44 | AUS | 0.0237 | −0.4603 | NA | NA | −0.4901 | −0.0438 |
45 | PAN | 0.0827 | −0.3611 | NA | NA | −0.6513 | 0.3146 |
46 | COL | 0.0933 | −0.6590 | −0.2212 | 2.677165 | −0.5283 | 0.0350 |
47 | MYS | 0.0402 | −0.8145 | −0.4581 | 2.834799 | −0.5329 | 0.0334 |
48 | ZAF | 0.0934 | −0.7034 | −0.2244 | 2.609739 | −0.6558 | 0.2550 |
49 | EGY | 0.0804 | −0.7420 | −0.5007 | 2.959918 | −0.3648 | 0.2310 |
50 | FIN | 0.0510 | −0.7983 | −0.4787 | 2.874698 | −0.6616 | 0.2868 |
Notes: Countries are indexed by their ISO3 code. The number mu is the average growth rate. AR orders were selected by the AIC criterion. If p = 0, then both α1 and α2 are marked as NA, if p = 1, then α2 is marked as NA. The number k gives the average length of the stochastic cycles, in days, for those AR(2) models that have complex roots. For all other models, k is marked as NA; acf1 and acf2 are autocorrelation coefficients of order 1 and 2 for the growth rates.