Figure 4.
Activation increases titin-based force and stiffness of wild type psoas myofibrils, but not mdm myofibrils, during stretch. Stress (nN/μm2) vs. sarcomere length (μm) of single psoas myofibrils from the wild type (WT, black open symbols) and muscular dystrophy with myositis (mdm, gray filled symbols) mice during active (diamonds) and passive stretch (circles). There is no difference in passive stress between WT and mdm myofibrils. Actively stretched WT myofibrils are stiffer than active mdm and both passive mdm and WT, while actively stretched mdm myofibrils do not differ in stiffness from passively stretched mdm and WT myofibrils. Reproduced with permission from Powers et al. [25]. Copyright 2016, The Company of Biologists Ltd.