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. 2020 Jun 24;71(Suppl 1):S13–S20. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa349

Table 2.

Sensitivity and Specificity of Manual Treponemal Assays for Diagnosis of Syphilis in Clinically Characterized Specimens (Published Data)

Test Performance
Assay Stage Sensitivity Specificity References
FTA-ABS Primary 78.2–100% 87.0–100% Augenbraun [2], Byrne [3], Coffey [4], Farshy [5], Huber [6], Ijsselmuiden [7], Ijsselmuiden [8], Jaffe [9], Larsen [10], Lam [11], Moyer [12], Park [13], Pope [14], Romanowski [15], Van Eijk [16], Young [17]
Secondary 92.8–100%
Latent (combined) 83–100%
Early latent 94.4–100%
Late latent 84.5–92.6%
MHA-TP Primary 45.9–88.6% 98.8–99.0% Augenbraun [2], Coffey [4], Dyckman [18], Huber [6], Jaffe [9], Larsen [10], Pope [14]
Secondary 90–100%
Latent (combined) 99–100%c`
Early latent 94.4–100%
Late latent 97%
TP-PA Primary 86.2–100% 99.6–100% Bosshard [19], Creegan [20], Cole [21], Lam [11], Liu [22], Manavi [23], Park [13], Pope [24], Wellinghausen [25]
Secondary 100%
Latent (combined) 100%
Early latent 94.4–100%
Late latent 86.8–100%

Abbreviations: FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed test; MHA-TP, microhemagluttination assay for T. pallidum antibodies; TP-PA, Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay.