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. 2020 May 30;17(11):3874. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113874

Table 5.

Systematic evaluation of PANAS-GAD-7-IDATE results.

Stage (e) Evaluation of the Measurement Model
- Cronbach’s alpha (α);
- Composite reliability (ρc);
- Average variance extracted (AVE);
- Cross-factorial loads;
- Fornell-Larcker criterion;
- Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) criteria, confirmed by the bootstrapping method.
Stage (f) Evaluation of the Structural Model
- Collinearity assessment (VIF);
- Coefficient of determination (R2), confirmed by the bootstrapping method;
- Effect size (f2), confirmed by the bootstrapping method;
- Conformity of the hypotheses according to the Student’s t-test, determined by the bootstrapping method;
- Predictive relevance (Q2), confirmed by the blindfolding method.

Source: adapted from Hair Jr. et al. [40] and Porto [43].