Figure 7.
Positive correlation is present between urinary SEMA3A and proteinuria in human urine samples from biopsied patients. (A) Characteristics of the patients. Values are mean ± standard deviation (SD). Percentages are reported for categorical variables. Cr, serum creatinine; uCr, urinary creatinine; uTP, urinary total protein; uSEMA3A, urinary SEMA3A; IgA-N: IgA nephritis; MN, membranous nephropathy; TBM, thin basement membrane disease; MCNS, minimal change nephrotic syndrome. (B) The relationship between the uSEMA3A/uCr ratio (ng/g Cr) and uTP/uCr ratio (g/g∙Cr) are shown. uSEMA3A level was positively correlated with urine protein (n = 43). r = 0.3043, p = 0.0473.