RNA-seq analysis of alternative splicing (AS) events in Zrsr1/2mu 2-cell (2C) embryos. (a) Distributions of categories of AS events differing in Zrsr1/2mu embryos versus WT. The percentage of each class of events is indicated. Note: 3SS, alternative 3′ splice sites; 5SS, alternative 5′ splice sites; ES, exon skipping; MIC, alternative micro cassette exon ≤15 nucleotides; IR, intron retention. (b) Differences in intron retention events detected in Zrsr1/2mu compared to WT embryos (measured as the ratio of intron read counts (DPLIM) in Zrsr1/2mu versus WT) for different intron categories, as indicated. (c) Distributions of the locations of affected U2 introns in Zrsr1/2mu embryos relative to U12 introns present in the same gene. (d) Significant GO terms for U12-type introns represented in graph “B” to the left. (e) Significant GO terms for U2 introns within (w) U12-containing genes represented in graph “B” to the right.