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. 2020 Jun 9;17(11):4124. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114124

Table 1.

Basic socio-economic and demographic information of respondents (n = 975).

Variable Category Frequency (%) Variable Category Frequency (%)
Gender Male 228 (23.4) Disability Yes 75 (7.7)
Female 747 (76.6) No 900 (92.3)
Age 18–28 708 (72.6) Monthly income Up to 275$ 96 (9.8)
29–38 126 (12.9) 275 to 465$ 210 (21.5)
39–48 90 (9.2) 466 to 740$ 240 (24.6)
49–58 51 (5.2) Over 741$ 429 (44)
Marital status Single 423 (43.4) Education Primary sch. 3 (0.3)
In a relationship 384 (39.4) High-school 240 (24.6)
Married 135 (13.8) Junior college 63 (6.5)
Divorced 21 (2.2) Undergraduate 558 (57.2)
Widow 9 (0.9) Master/doctorate 108 (11.0)
TOTAL 975 (100)