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. 2020 May 28;17(11):3846. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113846

Table 3.

Ranked themes with examples of responses (n = 7).

Theme as Categorized by Authors Times Ranked a WSCR b WSCR/
Response Examples
Q1. What features of games make you want to play them or keep playing?
Immersion 5 7.78 1.47 Visual/audio aesthetics, exploration of dynamic universe, known theme or IP, player/playstyle customization, great stories, color, sound
Achievement 5 3.54 0.67 Rewards, either literal ones in the form of items, unlocks, in-game money, OR psychological rewards such as a rewarding story pay off or resolution to a puzzle; well-balanced gameplay
Game type 4 0 0 Arcade-based games like racers or mech games.
Mood 3 −0.71 −0.13 Repeatable enjoyment
Competition c 1 −10.61 −2.00 Winning
Q2. What features of games make you want to stop playing?
Social 4 5.24 0.89 Online interaction with terrible people (most)
Novelty 5 5.24 0.89 Repetition/grinding with little variety
Immersion 4 1.96 0.33 Unclear control of avatar, Games that are crashy or slow
Environment 2 −3.93 −0.66 Out of time
Achievement 2 −3.93 −0.66 Unfair or unreliable game mechanics that result in “cheap” deaths/failures, games that are not balanced, games that are broken/not working
Mood 3 −4.58 −0.77 Not fun anymore
Q3. What are some strategies people can use to regulate the amount of time they game?
Self-regulation 7 5.2 1.39 2xd,c-Limit time… (60 min/session),2xd-Use an alarm clock, 2x-Set firm goals for gameplay ex. “Just 3 quests”, set a schedule for gaming after other responsibilities
Social 6 0 0 Play with others in a game that requires everyone to be present…since the other players can effectively force you to stop
Analyzing moves c 5 −5.2 −1.39 Analyzing moves, moving slower
Q4. What are some things the game industry could do to make it easier to regulate the amount that people play games?
Mechanics 6 10.07 2.2 Clear delineations between missions/chapters which offer clear “break points” to the player, as opposed to open-ended/open world games which don’t give an “excuse” to stop, autosave/quicksave, rewards that emphasize short sessions or have negative reinforcement mechanisms like XP delay, time allowed
Environment 5 −0.77 −0.17 Integrated health tips into game that use health points that players can use themselves
Social 5 −2.32 −0.51 Local multiplayer only- take away features of MO
Novelty 3 −6.97 −1.52 Augmented Reality Gaming—local multiplayer fun with new tech

a Number of times an item was ranked as one of a participant’s top three choices. b Weighted sum of centered ranks statistic from the Skillings–Mack statistic, where high/positive ranks correspond to agreed-upon items and low/negative ranks correspond to items that were chosen less often or ranked as less important. SE were the same for each question: SEQ1 = 5.29, SEQ2 = 5.92, SEQ3 = 3.74, SEQ4 = 4.58. c New theme emerging from discussion. d More than one version/wording submitted by different respondents.

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