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. 2020 Jun 13;4(FI1):1–6. doi: 10.1093/ehjcr/ytaa179
Day Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
0 Presented to ED with 1 week of dyspnoea on exertion, orthopnoea, and cough Presented to the ED with fevers Presented to the ED with diarrhoea, myalgias, and dyspnoea; subsequently intubated
  • Echocardiogram revealed large pericardial effusion with signs of right ventricular dysfunction consistent with Takotsubo morphology

  • Pericardiocentesis with drain placement

  • Hypoxaemic cardiac arrest and was intubated

  • New ST elevation with PR depression in inferior leads, loss of precordial R waves

  • Tachycardic and in shock with reduced cardiac index (1.9 L/min/m2), improved with paralysis and proning

  • Echocardiogram revealed basal-mid hypokinesis consistent with reverse Takotsubo morphology

7–10 Serial echocardiograms revealed resolution of effusion but new periapical wall motion hypokinesis, pericardial drain removed and discharged Worsening respiratory and renal function; hypoxaemic pulseless electrical activity arrest and died Developed septic shock with worsening respiratory failure leading to cardiopulmonary arrest and death
21 Echocardiogram demonstrated resolution of effusion and wall motion abnormalities