Figure 2. s-LNv dorsal arbors are not required for PDF dependent behavioral outputs under light/dark conditions.
(A) Population averaged activity profiles of wild-type (WT) and Pdf01 mutant flies under a 12h:12h LD cycle. Pdf01 mutants lack morning anticipation (blue arrow) and exhibit an advanced evening peak of activity (gray arrow) [15]. (B) Morning anticipation differs significantly between WT and Pdf01 flies. (C) Population averaged activity profiles of ;Pdf-Gal4/+;UAS-Unc5/+ flies and their heterozygous parental controls reveal no Pdf01-like effects on morning or evening peaks of activity. (D) ;Pdf-Gal4/+;UAS-Unc5/+ flies do not differ significantly from their parental controls in morning anticipation. (E) ;Pdf-Gal4/+;UAS-Unc5/+ flies also fail to display Pdf01 like evening peak phenotypes. Average evening peak phases are displayed +/− SEM. “0” marks the time of lights-off. Dark gray indicates night. See Table S1 for sample sizes and statistics. See also Figures S2 and S3.