FIG 1.
In vivo differentiation of transplanted CD45.1 Lin− progenitor cells in response to dectin-1 ligand. (A) Schematic protocol of cell transplantation and stimulation (see Materials and Methods). (B) Three days after transplantation, donor-derived CD45.1 cells were detected in the bone marrow and spleens of CD45.2 control mice (unchallenged with depleted zymosan). Dot plots show side scatter (SSC) against CD45.1 expression of the purified bone marrow and spleen cells. Percentage of recovered CD45.1 cells is calculated as follows: total number of recovered cells × 100/(total number of transplanted cells), where the total number of recovered cells is the percentage of CD45.1 cells determined by flow cytometry × total number of purified cells from spleen or bone marrow/100. Indicated percentages are the means ± SDs from six mice. (C) Percentages of recovered CD45.1 cells from the spleens and bone marrow of dectin-1−/− knockout mice transplanted with CD45.1 Lin− progenitor cells and stimulated daily with 100 μg/day of depleted zymosan, for 3 days. Data represent means ± standard errors of the means (SEMs) from two independent experiments (three mice per condition and experiment). *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001 with respect to CD45.1 cells recovered from transplanted unstimulated control mice. (D and E) The CD45.1 population was gated, shown in CD11b versus F4/80 contour plots, and subgated as CD11b+ and double-positive CD11b+ F4/80+ cells. The indicated percentages refer to total CD45.1 cells analyzed. Representative plots (D) and bar graphs (E) of data expressed as means ± SDs from two independent experiments (three mice per condition and experiment). ***, P < 0.001 with respect to CD45.1 cells recovered from transplanted unstimulated control mice.