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. 2020 Jun 24;18:255. doi: 10.1186/s12967-020-02414-9

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Surgical Procedures for Subcutaneous PDX Tissue Harvest and Orthotopic PDX Tissue Implantation. a Trimming the right lower quadrant of the dorsal side of the anesthetized mouse (prone position). b Subcutaneous PDX tissue exposed after trimming the fur c Using scissors to make a skin incision (≤ 5 mm) and separate the subcutaneous tissue from the disinfected skin on the right lower flank. d Using scissors and forceps to harvest 90-95% of the subcutaneous PDX tissue (incomplete resection). e Harvested subcutaneous PDX tissue placed on a petri dish on ice containing PS-PBS. f Suturing the skin incision with 4-0 MONOCRYL® absorbable suture. g Trimming the left upper quadrant of the ventral side of the anesthetized mouse (supine position). h Using scissors to make a skin incision (≤ 5 mm) on the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. i Using a cotton tipped applicator to gently externalize the spleen and expose the pancreas. j Suturing the created pocket in the tail of the pancreas (containing one piece of P1 subcutaneous PDX tissue) with 8-0 PROLENE® nonabsorbable suture. k Suturing the skin incision with 4-0 MONOCRYL® absorbable suture. l PDX tissue successfully expanded orthotopically in the pancreas