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. 2020 Feb 12;63(1):e12. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2019.18

Table 2.

Percentages of initial prodromes in patients with type I and II BD.

Name of the prodrome Mania Depression Hypomania Depression Mania/hypomania Depression
Overly talkative 53.1%b 3.1%b 27.3%b 46.5–76.2%b,c,d 3.7–4.8%b,d
Racing thoughtse 46.9%b 6.3%b 36.4%b 44.2–75.0%b,c ,d 4.8–7.4%b,d
Irritabilityf 43.8%b 28.1%b 36.4%b 45.5%b 41.9–67.0%b,c,d 19.0–51.8%b,d
Mood elevationg 37.5%b 18.2%b 9.1%b 32.6–77.0%b,c,d 3.7%b
Mood lability/Mood swings 33.3–56.3%b,h 9.4–66.6%b,h 36.4%b 27.3%b 26.2–51.2%b,d 22.2–31.0%b,d
Reckless or dangerous behavior 9.4%b 3.1%b 7.0–57.0%b,c,d 2.4–3.7%b,d
Impatience 53.1% b 18.8% b 36.4% b 9.1% b 48.8–57.1% b , d 21.4–25.9% b , d
Insomnia i 53.1% b 15.6% b 36.4% b 11.6–54.8% b , d 22.7–82.0% b , c , d
Physically agitated 50.0% b 15.6% b 27.3% b 44.2–78.6% b , d
Depressed mood 46.9% b 28.1% b 54.5% b 36.4% b 2.4–48.8% b , d 48.1–83.0% b , c , d
Increased energy or goal-directed activity 46.9% b 18.2% b 39.5–73.0% b , c
Anxiety 43.8% b 25.0% b 45.5% b 27.3% b 31.0–44.2% b , d 40.7–64.3% b , d
Tiredness or lack of energy 37.5% b 28.1% b 27.3% b 45.5% b 9.5–34.9% b , d 51.8–76.2% b , c , d
Social isolation 28.1% b 25.0% b 36.4% b 7.1–25.3% b , d 44.4–69.0% b , d
Decreased school or work functioning 25.0% b 18.8% b 18.2% b 9.1% b 14.3–23.3% b , d 25.9–69.0% b , c , d
Decreased need for sleep 25.0% b 3.1% b 27.3% b 9.1% b 71.4% d
Overly self-confident 21.9% b 18.2% b 9.1% b 20.9–69.0% b , d 2.4–3.7% b , d
Feeling worthless or guilty 21.9% b 6.3% b 18.2% b 36.4% b 4.8–20.9% b , d 22.2–79.0% b , c , d
Suspiciousness 21.9% b 9.4% b 18.2% b 9.1% b 16.7–20.9% b , d 14.8–23.8% b , d
Weight loss or decrease in appetite 18.8% b 3.1% b 9.1% b 9.1% b 20.9–28.6% b , d 7.4–40.5% b , d
Difficulty making decisions 18.8% b 6.3% b 36.4% b 27.3% b 11.9–23.3% b , d 18.5–61.9% b , d
Inversion of the sleep/wakefulness pattern 18.8% b 6.3% b 14.0–78.0% b , c 7.4% b
Overly creative 15.6% b 18.2% b 9.1% b 16.3–54.8% b , d 3.7–9.5% b , d
Defiant behavior 15.6% b 3.1% b 9.1% b 9.1% b 14.0–35.7% b , d 2.4–7.4% b , d
Thinking about suicide 12.5% b 12.5% b 9.1% b 7.1–11.6% b , d 14.8–70.0% b , c , d
Obsessions or compulsions j 12.5% b 9.1% b 2.4–11.6% b , d 7.1% d
Increased sexual energy 12.5% b 9.1% b 11.6–31.0% b , d 2.4% d
Weight gain or increase in appetite 9.4% b 9.4% b 9.1% b 18.2% b 4.8–34.9% b , d 21.4–22.7% b , d
Hypersomnia 6.3% b 12.5% b 9.1% b 18.2% b 7.0–7.1% b , d 22.7–33.3% b , d
Hallucinatory experiences 6.3% b 6.3% b 4.7–4.8% b , d
Self-harming behavior 3.1% b 2.3–4.8% b , d 4.8% d
Risky sexual behavior 3.1% b 2.3–19.0% b , d
Strange or unusual ideas 9.1% b 2.3–19.0% b , d 4.8% d
Decreased concentration 37.5% b 12.5% b 36.4% b 36.4% b 37.2% b 29.6% b
Overly cheerful 37.5% b 3.1% b 9.1% b 9.1% b 30.2% b 7.4% b
Anhedonia 31.3% b 9.4% b 36.4% b 27.3% b 44.2% b 22.2–72.0% b , c
Difficulty thinking or communicating clearly 18.8% b 12.5% b 9.1% b 9.1% b 16.3% b 18.5% b
Physically slowed down 9.4% b 18.8% b 18.2% b 27.3% b 11.6% b 33.3% b
Extremely energetic/active 85.7% d 4.8% d
Poor judgment 72.0% c
Disturbed diurnal rhythm 47.6% d 31.0% d
Lack of concentration 35.7% d 59.5–76.0% c , d
Thought disorder 26.2% d 45.2% d
Immature behavior 26.2% d 2.4% d
Physical exhaustion 11.9% d 78.6% d
Reduce vitality 81.0% d
Suicide attempts 2.4% d

The studies did not distinguish prodromes by type of BD.


Noto et al. [36].


Hirschfeld et al. [33].


Zeschel et al. [38].


Racing thoughts/increased speech in Hirschfeld et al. [33].


Excessive irritability/aggressive behavior in Hirschfeld et al. [33].


Heightened mood/elation in Hirschfeld et al. [33].


Özgürdal et al. [37].


Insomnia/excessive sleep in Hirschfeld et al. [33].


Only compulsions in Zeschel et al. [38].