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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Lung Cancer. 2020 Apr 30;145:132–139. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.03.023

Table 1:

Patient Demographics, Disease and Treatment Characteristics by Radiation Pneumonitis Grades

All patients Grade 2 RP (%) Grade 3–5 RP (%) p value Non-lethal RP (%) Lethal RP (%) p-value
Age (year) 0.25 0.03
 Median 67.5 65 73 66 76
 Range 38–83 46–83 38–82 38–83 60–82
Gender 1.00 0.69
 Female 47 34 (72%) 13 (28%) 42 (89%) 5 (11%)
 Male 35 26 (74%) 9 (26%) 33 (94%) 2 (6%)
Race 1.00 0.24
 White 79 58 (73%) 21 (27%) 73 (92%) 6 (8%)
 African American 3 2 (67%) 1 (33%) 2 (67%) 1 (33%)
Performance Status 0.04 0.43
 0/1 76 58 (76%) 18 (24%) 70 (92%) 6 (8%)
 2/3 6 2 (33%) 4 (67%) 5 (83%) 1 (17%)
Smoking Status 0.70 1.00
 Never Smoker 9 6 (67%) 3 (33%) 9 (100%) 0
 Former/Current Smoker 73 54 (74%) 19 (26%) 66 (90%) 7 (10%)
Pack-Years 0.26 0.22
 Median 40 50 53.5 40 57
Histology 0.03 0.03
 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 25 14 (56%) 11 (44%) 20 (80%) 5 (20%)
 Other 57 46 (81%) 11 (19%) 55 (97%) 2 (3%)
Clinical Stage 0.80 0.69
 I/II 29 22 (75.9%) 7 (24.1%) 26 (89.7%) 3 (10.3%)
 III/IV 53 38 (71.7%) 15 (28.3%) 49 (92.5%) 4 (7.5%)
FEV1 0.009 0.24
 ≤2 32 17 (53%) 15 (47%) 27 (84%) 5 (16%)
 >2 36 30 (83%) 6 (17%) 34 (94%) 2 (6%)
 Missing 14 13 1 14 0
Predicted FEV1 (%) 0.30 0.43
 ≤80 35 22 (63%) 13 (37%) 30 (86%) 5 (14%)
 >80 33 25 (76%) 8 (24%) 31 (94%) 2 (6%)
 Missing 14 13 1 14 0
History of COPD 0.12 0.20
 No 56 44 (79%) 12 (21%) 53 (95%) 3 (5%)
 Yes 26 16 (62%) 10 (38%) 22 (85%) 4 (15%)
History of Fibrosis 0.07 0.16
 No 80 60 (75%) 20 (25%) 74 (93%) 6 (7%)
 Yes 2 0 2 (100%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%)
RT Technique 1.00 0.67
 3DCRT 60 44 (73%) 16 (27%) 54 (90%) 6 (10%)
 IMRT or 3DCRT+IMRT 22 16 (73%) 6 (27%) 21 (96%) 1 (4%)
Gross Tumor Volume 0.22 0.70
 Primary Tumor, Hilar and Mediastinal Nodes 39 26 (67%) 13 (33%) 35 (90%) 4 (10%)
 Other 43 34 (79%) 9 (21%) 40 (93%) 3 (7%)
RT Dose 1.00 0.69
 <66 Gy 48 35 (73%) 13 (27%) 43 (90%) 5 (10%)
 ≥66 Gy 34 25 (75%) 9 (25%) 32 (94%) 2 (6%)
Mean Lung Dose# 0.79 1.00
 ≤17 44 33 (76%) 11 (25%) 40 (91%) 4 (9%)
 >17 30 21 (70%) 9 (30%) 28 (93%) 2 (7%)
 Missing 8 6 2 7 1
Lung V20 0.79 1.00
 ≤30 47 35 (75%) 12 (24%) 43 (92%) 4 (8%)
 >30 27 19 (70%) 8 (30%) 25 (93%) 2 (7%)
 Missing 8 6 2 7 1

p-value based on Fisher’s exact for categorical variables and Wilcoxon rank sum test for continuous variables


Mean Lung Dose of patients with lethal RP had a median of 15.0 Gy (range: 6.2 – 18.2).

Lung V20 of patients with lethal RP had a median of 25.75% (range: 9.0 – 33.8)

RP – radiation pneumonitis, FEV1 – forced expiratory volume 1, COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RT – radiation therapy, 3DCRT – three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy, IMRT – intensity modulated radiation therapy, lung V20 – volume of normal lung receiving 20 Gy