The iDEP manipulation of fluorescently labeled polystyrene nanoparticles. (a)-(c) DEP acting on the nanoparticles without the tip: (a) No AC field between the electrodes; (b) Low-frequency AC voltage (5 V, 20 kHz) attracts the nanoparticles to the electrodes (pDEP); and (c) High-frequency AC voltage (5 V, 2 MHz), in contrast, repels the nanoparticles to the center of the electrodes (nDEP). (d)-(g) In the presence of the tip, the nanoparticles were trapped around the tip when the AC voltage was applied (5 V, 20 kHz), and the trapped nanoparticles were instantly released from the tip after turning the AC voltage off. (h)-(l) The iDEP tweezers trap the nanoparticles, hold them while repositioning, and release them by turning off the AC voltage (5 V, 20 kHz). The yellow arrow is 80 μm. All scale bars are 5 μm.