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. 2020 Jun 25;15(6):e0235189. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235189

Table 3. Magnitude of changes in community exposure to malaria messages via school-aged children, Jimma Zone, SBCC target districts, 2017–19 (Baseline, n = 762; End-line, n = 759).

Exposure (last 6 months) Magnitude of exposure Change Statistical tests
Baseline End-line ES
No. % No. % % (95% CI) t/Chi-square p-value
Have a school child 535 70.3 458 60.4 -9.9 (-13.2, -4.3) x2 = 17.78 <0.001
Number of school children in the HH t = -0.70 0.493
One 189 35.3 155 33.8 +3.5 (-1.3, +7.7) x2 = 3.45 0.112
Two 147 27.5 141 30.8 +3.3 (-2.7, +6.8) x2 = 2.23 0.213
Three 106 20.0 97 21.2 +1.2 (-1.9, +4.2) x2 = 1.04 0.345
Four or higher 93 17.2 65 14.2 -3.0 (-5.2, +1.8) x2 = 1.76 0.327
A. Exposure: reach via school child 71 13.3 266 57.8 +44.5 (34.7,51.3) x2 = 218.1 <0.001
Specific message contents of exposure (counts) n = 568 n = 2,128
Sleeping under ITN-every night 52 73.2 215 76.2 +3.0 (-1.5, +8.2) x2 = 0.28 0.598
Environmental sanitation is preventive 55 77.5 174 61.7 -15.8 (-20.2, +9.8) x2 = 6.18 0.013
Proper use of anti-malarial drugs 3 4.2 121 42.9 +38.7(+51.4, 23.5) x2 = 32.25 <0.001
Seek treatment for fever early 7 9.9 113 40.1 +30.2 (+21.9, +39.3) x2 = 23.10 <0.001
Give priority to PWs & <5 (ITN) 7 9.9 109 38.7 +28.8 (+22.3, +34.6) x2 = 21.32 <0.001
How to wash ITN** 4 5.6 103 36.5 +30.9 (+25.7, +37.8) x2 = 25.62 <0.001
Indoor residual spraying (IRS)** 1 1.4 91 32.3 +30.9 (+21.5, +41.8) x2 = 28.03 <0.001
Others* 13 18.3 16 5.7 -12.6 (-15.6, -8.6) x2 = 12.01 <0.001
B. Exposure: Content intensity *** 142 25.0 942 44.3 +19.3 (+14.3,+25.2) t = 5.93 <0.001
Ratio of content: School to general 79.6 104.0 +24.1 (+17.7, +26.8) 5.25 0.001

*Others: Misconceptions about causes of malaria; ITN with torn don't protect from malaria, etc.

**How to wash ITN refers: every 3 months, don't dry in sunlight, don't wash on a hard surface, and IRS; don't post the wall within 6 months of spray.

***Person-to- all specific messages count, and ES: Effect Size