Intervention characteristics:
Relative advantage
Reduced queues and waiting time [FGD & IDI]
Perceive service as fast, fewer trips to the facility and more convenient times for those who work [IDI]
ACs easier to manage compared to DMD and pickup is quick [IDI]
Speed and convenience of DMD pickups is helpful [IDI]
Intervention characteristics:
Relative advantage
Not all stable patients are eligible for ACs due to comorbidities [FGD]
DMD not convenient for patients who desire health checks or want >1 month of medication [FGD]
Risk of defaulters or data gaps as the system is streamlined between DMD and clinics [IDI]
Design quality
Intervention source
Intervention characteristics:
Relative advantage
Believe reduced queues are an advantage of DMD [FGD]
Found SMS reminders for DMD collection helpful [FGD]
Perceive that ACs save time and money [FGD]
Perceive DMDs as fast and convenient [IDI]
Intervention characteristics:
Relative advantage
Design quality
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Helpful for those who work [FGD]
Patient privacy protected [FGD]
Addresses issues of stigma [IDI]
Reduces burden of distance because of fewer clinic visits [IDI]
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Clubs not convenient because of distance and association with HIV‐positive people, i.e. stigma, despite accommodation for all chronic medication pickup at club visit [FGD and IDI]
Some desire to still have regular health checks [FGD]
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Outer setting:
No codes mapped to this CFIR domain
Inner setting:
Implementation climate
Aware of the intervention options [FGD]
Those not in ACs/DMD can be motivated to qualify through adherence; felt empowered and encourage to adhere [FGD]
Perceive patients welcoming the various RPCS interventions [IDI]
Inner setting:
Implementation climate
Felt interventions were NOT compatible with clinic‐based services for chronic diseases such as hypertension or diabetes [FGD]
Some felt not well informed about the interventions [FGD]
Implementers perceive staff shortages [FGD]
Challenges with resistance and buy‐in to the new interventions from providers [IDI]
Difficulty of implementing RPCS in the context of other programmes [IDI]
Limited available space for AC meetings [IDI]
Perception that DMD was designed to chase patients from facility [IDI]
Inner setting:
Implementation climate
Felt the intervention was compatible with chronic diseases for patients who have diabetes, for example and still need regular clinic visits [FGD]
Reports of non‐adherence to Viral Load Protocol [IDI]
Inner setting:
Implementation climate
Some felt the interventions were NOT compatible with chronic disease management [FGD]
Some felt not well informed about DMD availability (ambiguity at control sites) [FGD]
Believe that waiting a year for eligibility is too long [FGD]
Concerns for patient files getting lost [FGD]
Clinics are overcrowded [FGD]
Characteristics of providers:
No codes mapped to this CFIR domain
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Some felt punished by providers if missed their appointment [FGD]
Perceive bad attitude among providers [FGD and IDI]
Fear that patients will default if they are left to pick up at DMDs [IDI]
Characteristics of providers:
No codes mapped to this CFIR domain
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Some preferred ACs because DMD only provided one month of medication [FGD]
DMD generally described as an easy process [FGD]
Partnerships between development partners and DOH [IDI]
ACs running smoothly [IDI]
Tracing loss to follow‐up is easier for clinic based RPCS [IDI]
Planning and engagement
Early implementation challenges with DMD [IDI]
DMD was not well introduced to facilities or health care providers [IDI]
Multiple directorates guiding care, treatment and pharmaceutical services [IDI]
No ownership of DMD by the facility staff; perceived as led by pharmaceutical services [IDI]
Felt implementation was going slowly [FGD]
Not consulted or counselled about medication change [FGD]
Some have not seen a change since the implementation of the AGL [FGD]
Late or no delivery of medication at DMDs [IDI]
Patients lose trust because of stock‐outs at DMDs [IDI]
Perceived increase in lost to follow up because of communication gaps between facility and DMD [IDI]
Illegible prescriptions and errors [IDI]
Challenges monitoring DMD patients’ health and medication pickup [IDI]