Intervention characteristics:
Relative advantage
Perceive EAC to be better than previous counselling [IDI]
See advantage of tracing to get missed visit patients back [IDI]
Believe adherence guidelines are more structured and comprehensive than previous SOPs [IDI]
Intervention characteristics:
Perceive degree of difficulty in implementing the interventions [IDI]
Safety concerns surrounding tracing – encounter angry patients, only men answer the door, no transport, homes that have aggressive dogs [IDI]
Design quality
Intervention characteristics:
Design quality
Having a routine clinic visit is helpful [FGD]
Believe individual counselling gives privacy, educates and reassures patients [IDI]
Intervention characteristics:
Challenging to trace patients because of wrong addresses and perceive as dangerous for women (can be harassed or attacked) [IDI]
Challenging to recruit patients for support groups [IDI]
Costs – providers use money out of pocket [IDI]
Design quality
ART communication material is insufficient [FGD]
No support groups available for unstable patients [FGD]
No social media or phone outreach [IDI]
No support groups [IDI]
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Perceive benefits of taking ARVs [FGD]
Support groups helpful because providers give inadequate attention [FGD]
Perceive benefits of assigned dates to collect medication [FGD]
Perceive benefits of SMS reminders for appointments and medication collection [FGD]
Believe support groups, EAC and home visits are addressing patient needs; implementers emphasize ensuring patients understands the benefits of ART [IDI]
Believe counsellors are now better trained and can address patient concerns [IDI]
External policy
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Perceive needs and concerns not met by clinic, given inadequate information [FGD]
Not aware of SMS/phone reminder system, believe that it would be useful [FGD]
Dislike support groups and prefer individual counselling for privacy, not ready to disclose status [FGD]
Patients complain about and do not attend support groups because of length of stay and lack of food [IDI]
Challenges with tracing because patients often move or are scared to come back to the clinic because of missed appointment [IDI]
Outer setting:
Patient needs
Encouraged to take ARVs and write down appointment dates [FGD]
Find support group beneficial and comforting, easier to collect medication [FGD and IDI]
Feel providers are attentive during medication collection [FGD]
Missed visit tracing works when clinics work with community committees [FGD]
Perceive benefits of assigned dates to collect medication [FGD]
See benefits of counselling [IDI]
Aware of why patients default: no food to take with ARVs, status disclosure, cannot come to clinic because of work or have to look after children [IDI]
Peer pressure
Outer setting:
Patient needs
No encouragement from clinics [FGD]
Perceive group counselling as not helpful, prefer individual counselling [FGD]
Feel that providers do not listen to their suggestions [FGD]
Challenges of tracing because of migrant populations [IDI]
Have support groups but are aware that patients do not attend for many reasons: work, look after children, lack of food [IDI]
Inner setting:
Readiness for implementation
Relative priority
Goals and feedback
Providers work with each other to help the patient [IDI]
Inner setting:
Structural characteristics
Challenges with tracing and long wait times at clinic because of staff or resource shortage [IDI]
Relative priority
Inner setting:
Relative priority
Perceive that if providers care, clinic will be efficient and patients cared for [FGD]
Recognize and believe in the importance of the interventions, especially individual counselling, tracing and support groups [IDI]
Available resources
Inner setting:
Structural characteristics
Relative priority
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Perceive provider bad attitude and not interested in interventions, providers often shout at patients [FGD and IDI]
Negative experiences with home visit – feel disrespected [FGD]
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Characteristics of providers:
Personal attributes
Perceive provider bad attitude, providers often shout at patients [FGD]
Perceive providers do not work hard or care about patients [FGD]
Perceive poor quality service [FGD]
Perceive counsellors as judgmental [FGD]
Received counselling and saw benefits [FGD]
Received HIV and nutrition education [FGD]
Interventions executed and patients have responded well [IDI]
Perceive SMS/phone calls and appointment cards to be helpful reminders [FGD]
Perceive high quality of service at clinic, given adequate information [FGD]
Perceive home visits to be helpful when the clinic is too far to collect medication, also receive HIV education [FGD]
Implementers believe the intervention is constantly evolving; challenges at first but improved when AGL was streamlined into implementation plans [IDI]
Heard of support groups but have not actually seen them [FGD]
Perceive that providers do not explain test results to patients [FGD]
Intervention activities not happening according to plan [IDI]
Perceive inadequate counselling, counsellors provide no guidance [FGD]
Some patients do not like tracing and give wrong addresses – fear of status disclosure [IDI]
Home‐based caregivers visit households to deliver medications and check‐in [FGD]
Received HIV and nutrition education [FGD]
Received assigned dates to collect medication [FGD]
Perceive interventions to be helpful and informational [FGD]
Perceive benefits to receiving counselling [FGD]
Attend support groups and find them helpful, would like to create one if it does not currently exist [FGD]
See patients respond well to adherence activities ‐–counselling, reminders, tracing and support groups [IDI]
Perceive clinic visit process is not explained clearly [FGD]
Patients not understanding importance of taking medication [FGD]
Adherence activities not happening according to plan [IDI]
Perceive inconsistent system for reminders of clinic visits and outreach, some feel clinic may have lost contact information [FGD]
Perceive inadequate counselling, only received counselling once [FGD]
Mixed feelings on home visits, some believe it may be helpful, while some would feel embarrassed [FGD]
Patients dislike tracing and give wrong addresses and phone numbers – fear of status disclosure [IDI]