Deletion of GRA16 in Toxoplasma reduces the upregulation of host c-Myc expression. (A) c-Myc expression in HFFs infected with the indicated strain for 18 h was assessed by IFA and quantified by ImageJ analysis. Data represent one of two biological replicates that yielded essentially similar results. For RH, n = 38; for RHΔgra16, n = 27; for RHΔgra16::GRA16HA, n = 53; for RHΔmyr1, n = 23. The asterisk indicates that all groups are statistically different from each other (P < 0.01). (B) Western blot analysis of c-Myc expression from HFFs infected for 18 h with the same strains as in panel A. The same blot was stripped and reprobed with anti-SAG1 antibody to assess parasite burden and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) to assess gel loading. Images represent one of three blots performed, all showing similar results.