(A) The nearest neighbor (NN) distance, or the distance between a PSC and the closest neighboring PSC, is represented by the red line. The distance represented by the purple line is not considered for NN analysis. The distribution of NN values (shown in panels B, C, and D) is used to determine the degree of order in PSC distribution, as represented by the nearest neighbor regularity index (NNRI). Distribution patterns with an NNRI value greater than 1.91 are considered to be non-random. (B–D) Nearest neighbor distributions of S100-GFP+;NG2-dsRed+ PSCs in adult (P60) EDL muscle show that PSC distributions have orderly patterns of distribution with NNRI > 1.91 regardless of whether they are located at an NMJ with 2 PSCs (B), 3 PSCs (C), or 4 PSCs (D).