(A) tdTomato Ai14 and (B) HA expression in Nkx2.1 Cre positive, homozygous Ribotag (Rpl22HA/HA) / MGERibohomo mouse line. (C) High fidelity of HA-immunostain co-expressed with tdTomato signal across all fields of hippocampus (Scale bars 200μM. Higher magnification images in CA3 subfield indicated by the white squares (Scale bars 50μM). White arrow heads indicate minimal tdTomato signal that does not contain HA-immunostaining. Abbreviations: s.o., Stratum oriens; s.p., Stratum pyramidale; s.r., Stratum radiatum; s.l-m., Stratum lacunosum-moleculare; s.m., Stratum moleculare; S.gr., Stratum granulosum; h., Hilus.