In vitro T1-weighted MRI enhancement property of Gd-HA NPs. (a) T1 weighted MR images of Gd-HA NPs (top), Gd-DTPA-HA (middle), and Gd-DTPA (bottom) with different Gd(III) concentrations. Linear plots of the relaxation rate (1/T1) versus the Gd(III) concentration constructed for (b) Gd-HA NPs, (c) Gd-DTPA-HA, and (d) Gd-DTPA. The r1 values of Gd-HA NPs, Gd-DPTA-HA, and Gd-DTPA were 12.51, 8.37, and 3.88 mM−1 s−1, respectively. These results indicated that Gd-HA NPs exhibited strong MRI enhancement properties.