Resistance to L sigmodontis infection varies across host genotype. Data from Tables 2 (readouts of L sigmodontis infection in ten strains of mice) and III (readouts of morphology of L sigmodontis worms taken from ten strains of mice) from Petit et al 23 were reanalysed to create a relative susceptibility score. Only data for male mice were included. The following readouts were collated and weighted as follows: mF/10 μL of blood was scaled 0‐100 with 100 being given to the strain with the highest mF numbers (weighted 2), percentage mF+ (weighted 2), percentage worm+ (weighted 1), percentage localization of worms in the pleural cavity (weighted 0.5), number of worms recovered as a percentage of injected L3 larvae (weighted 1.5), length worms scaled to longest worm recovered from any strain (weighted 0.25 each for male and female worms), width of worms scaled to widest worm recovered (weighted 0.25 each for male and female worms), uterine egg score for recovered worms (weighted 0.25), divided egg score for recovered worms (weighted 0.25), percentage of worms with internal mF (weighted 1) and mF score for recovered worms (weighted 0.5). Weighted scores were added together to give a total possible score of 1000, and this number was divided by 100 to give scores shown in the graph above. Bar colour represents MHC haplotype for each strain