Table 5.
Summary of methods used to identify SDoH issues
Study title | Citation | Methods used to conduct SDoH screening |
Patient perceptions of a community‐based care coordination system | Gimpel et al. (2010) | Modified risk assessment tool (survey). The survey was designed to identify social concern and need. Also provided a description of SES indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income. No indication if survey was self‐administered or assisted |
Independent effects of socioeconomic and psychological social determinants of health on self‐care and outcomes in T2DM | Walker et al. (2014a) |
Numerous individual and validated assessment tools:
Also provided a description of SES status indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income. No indication if assessment tools were self‐administered or assisted |
Relationship between SDoH and processes and outcomes in adults with T2DM: validation of a conceptual framework | Walker et al. (2014b) |
Numerous individual assessment tools:
Also provided a description of SES status indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income No indication if assessment tools were self‐administered or assisted |
Quantifying Direct Effects of SDoH on Glycemic Control in Adults with T2DM | Walker et al. (2015a) |
Numerous individual assessment tools:
Also provided a description of SES status indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income No indication if assessment tools were self‐administered or assisted |
Understanding the influence of psychological and socioeconomic factors on DM self‐care using structured equation modelling | Walker et al. (2015b) |
Numerous individual assessment tools:
Also provided a description of SES status indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income No indication if assessment tools were self‐administered or assisted |
SDoH in adults with T2DM‐Contribution of mutable and immutable factors | Walker et al. (2015) |
Numerous individual assessment tools:
Also provided a description of SES status indicators in participant descriptions i.e. education, employment and income No indication if assessment tools were self‐administered or assisted |
Dunedin's free clinic: an exploration of its model of care using case study methodology | Loh et al. (2015) | Retrospective data collection via journal entries, patient encounters, medical certificates, patient medical records and databases. Also provided a description of SES indicators in participant descriptions i.e. unemployment, sickness benefits, and accommodation |
Socioeconomic Barriers to DM Self‐care: Development of a Factor Analytic Scale | Rose (2005) | Phone surveys based on items that indicate SES barriers to T2DM self‐care i.e. cost/finances, transport, food security, safety and health literacy |
Social Support and Lifestyle versus. Medical DM Self‐Management in the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE) | Rosland et al. (2014) | Self‐administered/report questionnaire. Included comprehensive SDoH assessment i.e. access to medical/healthcare, income, education, employment, social support, social gradient, stress, financial constraints, transport, health literacy, food security, housing, social exclusion, early life. Also included many other T2DM management‐related components. 185 questions in total |