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. 2020 Jun 11;22(6):e17195. doi: 10.2196/17195

Table 1.

Study characteristics.

Study, authors (publication year) Study location Na Study arms Delivery
Therapeutic rational of TBIb Length (weeks) Qualification
of the therapists
Degree of guidancec
Andersson et al (2012) [29] Sweden 88 Email support vs internet program vs waitlist Stand-alone intervention CBTd 8 MSc students of clinical psychology Predominantly therapist administered (email) and predominantly self-help (internet)
Berger et al (2018) [30] Germany 98 Internet program + F2Fe vs F2F Blended treatment CBT 12 Licensed psychotherapists Predominantly therapist administered
Lindner et al (2014) [31] Sweden 38 internet program + telephone support vs internet program + email support Stand-alone intervention BAf + ACTg 8 MSc students of clinical psychology Predominantly self-help
Ly et al (2015) [32] Sweden 93 Smartphone + F2F vs F2F Blended treatment BA 9 (blended) and 10 (control) MSc students of clinical psychology Predominantly self-help
Meyer et al (2015) [33] Germany 163 Internet program + TAUh vs TAU + waitlist Enhanced stand-alone intervention CBT 13.05 No therapists involved Self-administered
Steinmann et al (2019) [34] Germany 59 Telephone + F2F + letters vs telephone + F2F Stand-alone intervention CBT 9-13 Licensed psychotherapists Predominantly therapist administered
Stiles-Shields et al (2014) [35] USA 325 Telephone vs F2F Stand-alone intervention CBT 18 PhD-level psychologists Predominantly therapist administered
Zwerenz et al (2017) [36] Germany 229 Internet program + TAU vs active control + TAU Blended treatment CBT 12 No therapists involved Self-administered

aN: number of participants randomized.

bTBI: technology-based intervention.

cBased on the study by Newman et al [37].

dCBT: cognitive behavioral therapy.

eF2F: regular face-to-face psychotherapy.

fBA: behavioral activation.

gACT: acceptance and commitment therapy.

hTAU: treatment as usual.