Immunohistochemistry |
Description: Classification based on pattern of expression of three proteins as detected by immunohistochemistry (YAP1, GAB1, and beta‐catenin) |
Easy implementation
Low capital expense
Technology available in most clinical labs
Protein is a relatively stable macromolecule
Works in samples with low tumor content
Works well with ffpe
Interpretation challenges in low‐volume laboratories
Divergent differentiation yields indeterminant class
Cannot resolve g3 and g4 tumors
Cannot account for increasingly granular mb classification
Limited to mb classification
(17) |
Transcription profiling |
Description: Classification based on shared RNA expression signature as detected by transcription array, RNA sequencing, or nanostring TM
Can separate tumors into all four canonical molecular groups
Works with ffpe or frozen material
Moderate to high capital expense
Based on RNA, a relatively unstable macromolecule
Technology not available in many clinical laboratories
No supervised classification model currently available
Based on RNA, a relatively unstable macromolecule
Limited to MB classification
More granular MB classification not currently available
Requires relatively pure tumor
(12, 40, 54, 83) |
Methylation |
Description: Classification based on methylation signature using unsupervised or supervised classification models. Typically utilize Illumina Human Infinium 450K/EPIC arrays
Can separate all four canonical methylation classes
Scales well to other tumor types
Large reference series available for mb and other tumor types
Works with ffpe and frozen tissue
Utilizes dna, relatively stable macromolecule
Not currently widely available
High capital expense
Not all clinical samples contain sufficient dna quantity for classification
Requires high proportion of pure tumor
(10, 32) |
Tumors separated into WNT, SHH, G3, and G4
More granular class structure can be resolved
DNA Sequencing |
Description: Classification based on sequencing of class specific recurrent mutations |
Can be performed in most modern molecular laboratories
Many commercial labs evaluate the genes recurrently mutated in mb
Works on ffpe or frozen material
Utilizes dna, relatively stable macromolecule
(1, 51, 68) |