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. 2020 Jun 23;64(7):e01848-19. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01848-19


Parameter estimates from the final pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for the piperaquine effect on absolute QTcSSB intervala

Parameter Population estimateb (% RSE)c 95% CIc IIV %CV (% RSE)c 95% CIc
QTcBaseline (ms) 421 (0.15) 420–423 17.0d (3.12) 16.0–18.0
Emax (ms) 35 (11.0) 29.0–44.2 49.1e (13.0) 34.1–62.4
EC50 (ng/ml) 209 (16.7) 155–296 119.3e (9.28) 88.7–152
γ 1.69 (11.6) 1.36–2.17
Effect of age on EC50 (%) 4.10 (19.5) 2.68–5.88
σ (ms) 11.6 (5.74) 10.5–13.2

Abbreviations: QTcBaseline, baseline value of the QTcSSB interval at enrollment; Emax, maximum QTcSSB interval associated with drug effect; EC50, piperaquine concentration needed to achieve 50% of the maximum drug effect; γ, shape function of the Emax model; σ, additive residual error (variance) of QTcSSB interval measurements; IIV, interindividual variability.


Computed population mean parameter estimates from NONMEM.


Based on nonparametric bootstrap diagnostics (n = 1,000). Parameter precision is presented as relative standard deviation (%RSE), calculated as 100×standard deviationmean value.


Additive interindividual variability, presented as absolute variability on an arithmetic scale.


Exponential interindividual variability, presented as the coefficient of variation (%CV), calculated as 100×exp(estimate)1.