FIG 5.
(A to C) Leishmania parasite isolation from the bone marrow of dogs after different treatments (A) and sensitivity of the isolates to Sb(III) (B) and allopurinol (C) in comparison to reference Leishmania strains (Ldi263 and BH400). Dogs naturally infected with L. infantum were treated with a mixed-liposome or conventional liposome formulation of MA plus allopurinol or allopurinol alone or remained without treatment (control). Liposome formulations (LCP, mixed-liposome formulation; LC, conventional liposome formulation) were given intravenously as two cycles of six doses (6.5 mg Sb/kg/dose) at 4-day intervals Allopurinol was given at 30 mg/kg/12 h per os for 130 days, starting 30 days before the first dose of liposomal MA. Animals remained without intervention during the 4 months after the treatment. (A) Percentage of positive dogs regarding parasite isolation from the bone marrow; *, P < 0.05, according to Fisher’s exact test. (B) IC50s of Sb(III) of the isolates obtained in each animal group just after or 4 months after treatment. (C) IC50s of allopurinol of the isolates obtained in each animal group 4 months after the treatment.